[emacs] I must make it's potential for the most, but can't...


ううむw どうしたものか.. 一番いいのはemacs geek.emacsをみてそっから色々と取り込むのがいいのだろうけれど、そういった資料が不足している。もっと調査すべきなのかwww とりあえずストールマンは自分の.emacsを公開すべきだと思うw もしかすると公開されてるかもしれないけどww



ちなみにこんなんみつけた。steve yegge(railsjavascriptに移植したりしてる人)の.emacs なんと90行! まぁきちんと体系づけて作られてるんでしょうなぁ

steve link

;;; Stevey's .emacs file. Loads up lots of libraries.
 ;; I use the Common Lisp stuff all the time
(require 'cl)

;; I keep all my emacs-related stuff under ~/emacs
(defvar emacs-root (if (or (eq system-type 'cygwin)
			 (eq system-type 'gnu/linux)
			 (eq system-type 'linux))
		 "/home/stevey/" 		 "c:/home/stevey/")
 "My home directory ― the root of my personal emacs load-path.")

;; add all the elisp directories under ~/emacs to my load path
(labels ((add-path (p)
	 (add-to-list 'load-path
			(concat emacs-root p))))
 (add-path "emacs/lisp") ;; all my personal elisp code
 (add-path "emacs/lisp/ttest") ;; a typing-test package I wrote
 (add-path "emacs/site-lisp") ;; elisp stuff I find on the 'net
 (add-path "emacs/calc-2.02f") ;; fix for M-x calc on NT Emacs
 (add-path "emacs/vm-7.04") ;; a fancy mail client
 (add-path "emacs/jde-2.3.2/lisp") ;; Java IDE support
 (add-path "emacs/jde-2.3.2/elib-1.0")
 (add-path "emacs/jde-2.3.2/eieio-0.17")
 (add-path "emacs/jde-2.3.2/speedbar-0.14beta4")
 (add-path "emacs/jde-2.3.2/semantic-1.4.4")

 (add-path "emacs/site-lisp/nxml-mode") ;; XML support
 (add-path "emacs/site-lisp/tuareg-mode-1.41.5") ;; OCaml support
 (add-path "emacs/site-lisp/emacs-wiki-2.67.1") ;; personal Wiki
;; I use the same .emacs and elisp files everywhere. I make sure
;; everything works in both GNU Emacs 21.x and XEmacs on various
;; platforms, including native Windows XP, Cygwin on Windows XP,
;; and various flavors of Linux, in windowing and terminal modes.
 (require 'emacs-type) ;; support for multiple emacs platforms
 (load-library "ekeys") ;; my key bindings and some aliases
(load-library "modes") ;; configuration for 100-odd emacs modes
 (progn (ignore-errors (require 'jde))
 (load-library "myfont"))) ;; my own fonts and window colors
 (load-library "efuncs") ;; a bunch of my own utility functions
(load-library "my-config") ;; one-off variable settings
(load-library "java-config") ;; java/python/ruby IDE setup
(load-library "mail-config") ;; smtp config for various locations
(load-library "perl-config") ;; extra support for perl coding
(load-library "screen-config") ;; window positioning for all platforms
(load-library "xml-config") ;; a few xml and html helper functions
 (if-not-xemacs (require 'kawa-support)) ;; some helpers for Kawa Scheme
 ;; startup "script" for when we've got a window system
 (progn ;; start gnuserv, so apps can talk to us (e.g. p4, browsers)
 (when (or google
	 (and winnt (not cygwin)))
 (require 'gnuserv)
 (setq gnuserv-frame (selected-frame))

 ;; set the fonts and colors I like
 (global-font-lock-mode t)
 (set-default-font linux-font)
 (set-mouse-color "black")

 ;; position window automatically based on display resolution

;; load in customizations, which I keep in their own little petting zoo
(load-library "~/.custom")

;; I always run a shell in Emacs. Always always.

やっぱ.emacsは100行ぐらいにすべきなのかな..ロードとかメインで 作業環境の整備は別のフォルダに設定するのがよさそう